I also had a teacher put a composition notebook in my hands when I was a kid, and it changed everything. There should be medals for those teachers. Medals!

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Yes! And I still love those kind of composition books.

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Oooo you've got the wheels turning over here! Thank you, Penny!

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This is a fascinating concept Penny, thank you for sharing! As I was reading I was thinking of the year 2012. It is the year I share the most as shifting the trajectory of the path I was on, to the one I am on now and who I have become. There have been many trials and tribulations since that have crafted my being and guided me to be who I am. Even then, I think about the concept of the oak tree always being inside the acorn. Life events happening that nurture who we become way before any particular conscious moment.

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I love this, Vipul! The oak tree inside the acorn--I need to remember that more often. Thank you.

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